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Students Place First in History Day Competition

Posted Date: 03/18/2022

Students Place First in History Day Competition


Update:  Congratulations to Jacob and Ella on placing 1st in their divisions in the state competition!  Each received additional awards and $400 and will continue on to compete in national competition in the summer.  Their NHD sponsor teacher is Erin Taylor. Best of luck!


picture of national history day competitors and teacher

picture of national history day winner slide Greenpicture of national history day winner slide mayfield


Three Ouachita Parish students recently competed in the Monroe Regional National History Day competition held at the Chennault Museum. National History Day (NHD) is a nonprofit organization that creates opportunities for teachers and students to engage in historical research. Students in middle and high school learn history by selecting topics of interest and launching into year-long research projects. We are proud to announce these three students placed first in their categories in regional competition and will be going forward to compete in the Louisiana State National History Day Competition, with the opportunity to advance to nationals in Maryland this summer! Congratulations and best of luck!


Picture of three students who are NHD winners.

Pictured left to right:

Paper Category - Ella Mayfield – West Ouachita High School

Exhibit Category - Jacob Green - Ouachita Parish High School

Documentary Category - Hannah Buckley – Ouachita Parish High School